Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138921-138940 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380glimmer_metronomeGlimmer Metronome (JRuby application built with Glimmer DSL for SWT) - Supports differe...
89,5380minad-gitA package for using Git in Ruby code.
89,5380harms-columns-front-pageThis theme was developed for a bachelor thesis.
89,5380mperham-deadlock_retryProvides automatical deadlock retry and logging functionality for ActiveRecord and MySQL
89,5380kerberos_authenticatorAuthenticate a Kerberos user using their password. Uses Ruby-FFI to interface with the ...
89,5380markdown_cacheMarkdown (GFM) view helper with redis-backed cache
89,5380subiamSubiam is a tool to manage IAM. It defines the state of IAM using DSL, and updates IAM ...
89,5380qtickerThis gem allows the user to enter a ticker symbol and retrieve a quote and company desc...
89,5380osheet-xmlssAn Osheet writer (https://github.com/kellyredding/osheet) for the XMLSS format (https:/...
89,5380test_sass_rails_patchTest modification of Shanahan fix to sass precompile in rails
89,5380hozeAsynchronous job runtime backed by Google Pub Sub
89,5380imdb_apiosIMDB client using the IMDB json web service made available for their iOS app.
89,5380slack_scratcherImporting slack log from exported files or API to elasticsearch or other datastores
89,5380knife-saved_searchAllows one to save searches against a Chef server and execute them later.
89,5380testrail-cucumberSync cucumber automation test results with your testrail suite. Discover an example wit...
89,5380embulk_javundlerInstall embulk java plugin from git repository and command wrapper
89,5380logstash-output-splunkThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
89,5380p1788P1788 is a Ruby C extension wrapping the libieeep1788 interval arithmetic library.
89,5380rnc_2016News articles have detailed why delegate selecton and use is cr...
89,5380opentelemetry-adapters-redisRedis instrumentation adapter for the OpenTelemetry framework