Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140461-140480 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700scidea-cv-redirectsCustom URL redirects for CardioVillage. This is not a reusable Gem
38,9700darmani_game26A Darmani game
38,9700state_changerThe state machine for change your data between states.
38,9700trinidad_resque_extensionTrinidad extension to autoconfigure and launch Resque
38,9700crashdesk-railscrashdesk-rails is the Rails gem for integration with crashde.sk servers
38,9700mboxA simple library to read mbox files.
38,9700alexa_plugin_generatorA command line tool for generating singing_assistant middleware templates.
38,9700buffered_loggerA thread safe logger with formatting extensions. Based on active_support/buffered_logger.
38,9700inherited_resources_viewsUsing Inherited Resources is an excellent way to reduce the amount of repetition in you...
38,9700foundation-cliA CLI for working with Foundation
38,9700wdt-skywise-forecastWrapper for the WDT SkyWise Forecast API
38,9700webify_rubyWebifyRuby communicates with Webify and provides nice and easy working interface
38,9700mutt-ldap-querySearch LDAP directory from mutt
38,9700embulk-filter-LookUpFilter_SQLLookupfilter Sql
38,9700quandl_cassandraQuandl cassandra interface. CQL.
38,9700gentlemans_yearsAdds .gentlemans_year(s) method to Numeric
38,9700simple_column-scopesDynamic modules which define dynamic methods for scopes based on a dynamic array of col...
38,9700biovision-coursesManaging courses and study for biovision-based applications.
38,9700immutable_stackWhen we need work with an immutable stack. This is a simple implementation