Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141021-141040 of all 180,860 gems.
130,6510oauth2-rails2A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol built with a similar style to the original OA...
130,6510permutation-toolsTools for working with Permutation
130,6510rfuzzThe rfuzz web server destructor
130,6510reactorrails chrono reactor
130,6510james_bond-mission_buildFully building automation
130,6510rvnstatSinatra GUI for vnstat
130,6510alerterAlerter is a simple way to show pop up alerts
130,6510jekyll-applelike-themeApplelike is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages.
130,6510alias2Make classes, modules, and constants accessible via a different namespace
130,6510revo-seed-fuSeed Fu is an attempt to once and for all solve the problem of inserting and maintainin...
130,6510tinymce-rails-webmelySeamlessly integrates TinyMCE into the Rails asset pipeline introduced in Rails 3.1.
130,6510slaskis-delayed_jobDelated_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
130,6510secuconnectSecuconnect api rails sdk
130,6510simpleton_string_extendThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
130,6510sudo_modeSudo mode for your devilish deeds.
130,6510ifttt-twitterA Ruby wrapper for the Twitter API.
130,6510sluggable_aimeeAllows slugging from any model the model requires a :slug column and you must specify s...
130,6510pipelinedeals-clientThis gem is to be interact with te pipelinedeals api.
130,6510guard-flopboxA simple guard library for syncing local and remote directories via SFTP
130,6510tb_redirectsTbRedirects provides a tool for creating and managing 301 redirects for your website