Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141081-141100 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051lisausa-knife-sshconfigThis is a plugin for Knife that helps grab all nodes within the LISA cloud and presents...
103,2051psiqueStyle Guide in sass ready for Emergia's apps Rails.
103,2051mvn-getmvn-get is a java toolkit for quickly checking and setting up library dependencies.
103,2051sasstoolSass command line renderer with globbing import support
103,2051ruby-mqtt3Using Fibers and Fiber.scheduler, so needs ruby 3
103,2051rails-composeAutomatically setup Rails environments using Docker-Compose with Docker or Podman
103,2051sfh== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * No known issues, let me know if you find any. == SYNOPSIS: req...
103,2051jgre-rfeedparserParse RSS and Atom feeds in Ruby
103,2051linkformatterExample of creating a Ruby Gem for RailsCasts episode #301
103,2051ghundleLets you manage git hooks in your project and install them from remote locations.
103,2051motorurlA Rails engine to communicate with Spiderman
103,2051mongomapper-sweatshopMongoMapper plugin for generating fixtures
103,2051ghazel-crondonkulousA generator and conventions for using cron with rake tasks in a rails application.
103,2051dummyimageA simple gem which will generates a dummy image
103,2051jekyll_injectorA test plugin for Jekyll's 'gem' config option
103,2051manzooriਪ੍ਰਵਾਨਗੀ (manzoori) : Approval process for your models/domain objects without commiting...
103,2051integrity-sinatra-authorizationHTTP Authorization helpers for Sinatra.
103,2051hoolaaA simple hello world gem
103,2051mg_manager!!! WARNING !!! This Gem is NOT meant to run in production! It will leak information f...
103,2051whalyWhaly is the easy way to write a browser-based selenium scripts for ruby users.It's ful...