Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142521-142540 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382fried-serviceService object interface
110,0382jls-http_parser.rbRuby bindings to http://github.com/ry/http-parser and http://github.com/a2800276/http-p...
110,0382omnomnomString truncator methods
110,0382keyworkReplacement for Carbon compatible with graphite protocol
110,0382cannon_toolsProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
110,0382hebah_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
110,0382Stringer_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for rails applications.
110,0382hello_world_kaferiA simple calc with plus method only
110,0382flare-gunAn issue catcher, manager, and mailer for rails apps.
110,0382mdex_clientA Rubyish API client for Endeca's MDEX search engine, using the XQuery API
110,0382mattyoho-shoulda_generatorGenerators which create tests using shoulda
110,0382matteryMatter is a great assistant for develop your web app, mac app and win app
110,0382what_cdUseful CLI tools for What.cd
110,0382filegrabberQuickly grab many files from a remote location.
110,0382karaage_postingPosting number of karaages you eat to Karaage.click with life log service.
110,0382jekyll-theme-kmA very minimal jekyll theme.
110,0382libproxyRuby bindings for libproxy.
110,0382mochiMochi api for Rails (www.mochimedia.com)
110,0382contraptionStatic site generator
110,0382distimoDistimo API wrapper gem