Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143401-143420 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772vagrant-package_cacheVagrant Package Cache
136,3772omniauth-klarnaAn OmniAuth 1.0 oauth2 strategy for Klarna
136,3772bitmask-attributeSimple bitmask attribute support for ActiveRecord
136,3772simple-dependency-managerSimply grabs things from a Dependencies file and installs them. Simple.
136,3772furigana_rubyFor parsing Japanese text annotated with furigana/yomigana
136,3772logstash-output-wavefrontThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
136,3772mrt-tind-harvesterHarvests TIND OAI-PMH feed to identify files for ingest into Merritt
136,3772oglobinOglobin is almost hemoglobin, the brother of gem atogen and brother of gem atoma
136,3772inflectorA simple class for plural-, singular-, camel-, pascal-, constantization and underscore
136,3772export_to_cloudAdds a class method to all ActiveRecord models in Rails that exports all rows in a sing...
136,3772ilbuhleassembly line for user model
136,3772hexabatA Github issues importing tool
136,3772knife-countA knife plugin to quickly display the number of nodes in a Chef search query.
136,3772integralimpressions-after_commitafter_commit is an ActiveRecord gem to add an after_commit callback. This can be used t...
136,3772newrelic-telemetry_sdkSend your telemetry data to New Relic, no agent required.
136,3772bond-railtieA convenient drop in Railtie for enabling Rack::Transaction
136,3772railscastslonger description of your gem
136,3772wingsMore to come...