Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143481-143500 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772anetwork_dynamicadThis is Anetwork Dynamicad Ruby client, if you want to test our REST API or want to use...
136,3772wangtronCan literally only do one thing
136,3772jdunphy-sequel_revisionedSequel plugin designed to maintain a revision history of an object. Sequel_revisioned ...
136,3772tensai-pddlRuby implementation and DSL for PDDL (Planning Domain Definition Language)
136,3772atech_foreign_currencyA quick and simple currency converter
136,3772truex-wkhtmltopdf-binaryProvides up-to-date binaries for WKHTMLTOPDF project in an easily accessible package.
136,3772fresh-jqueryjQuery assets for rails or sprocket project
136,3772simple_relayA simple SMTP relay tool
136,3772raphaelTwitter Bot Framework
136,3772nmaprYour friendly neighborhood Ruby DSL to Nmap for network explortation.
136,3772jmseAn interoperable, minimalist signing and encryption format for JSON messages.
136,3772parallel_tests_reportWorks with parallel_tests ruby gem to generate a report having a list of slowest and fa...
136,3772odinflexDo you need to parse an AR file or a Mach-O file? If so, then this is the library for you!
136,3772krisr-amazon-ec2An interface library that allows Ruby applications to easily connect to the HTTP 'Query...
136,3772textbubbleTurns strings into cute little text bubbles.
136,3772jeremymcanally-pendingpending lets you define a block of test code that is currently "pending" functionality,...
136,3772office_autopilot_apiA Ruby wrapper for the OfficeAutopilot API
136,3772fsp-proxiesProxy popular repositories to make them compatible with FAIR Signposting spec (currentl...
136,3772milightA ruby controller for Mi-Light LED bulb.
136,3772jerryvos-jerryvos-hpricota swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library