Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144121-144140 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380her5Her5 is an ORM that maps REST resources and collections to Ruby objects. THIS IS ONLY A...
89,5380ductr-postgresAllows ductr to interact with PostgreSQL DMBS.
89,5380orgrepgit clone and git grep on the latest repository
89,5380hiera-puppetStore and query Hiera data from Puppet
89,5380transliterate_paperclipCyrillic transliteration file names to paperclip
89,5380screeningThe purpose of this library is that screening.
89,5380hoardWork in progress
89,5380lita-kintaiA lita handler for summarize attendance emails. Fuckin' legacy attendance management me...
89,5380nibnib is a docker-compose wrapper geared towards Ruby/Rails development.
89,5380parliament-rubyInternal parliamentary data API wrapper for ruby
89,5380devver-germinate-atompubAn Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) plugin for Germinate.
89,5380jballanc-textmateCommand-line textmate package manager
89,5380jbarnette-intercessionYour session loves you. Treat her like a lady.
89,5380gifferSends a request to www.gifbin.com and parses out the GIF url
89,5380eallydumbThus is ubygems
89,5380pushpop-railsA Ruby on Rails gem that integrates Entropi Software's Pushpop framework
89,5380simple_form_awesomeForms made easy!
89,5380dinero_mailIntegrate Dinero Mail as PaymentOption to Rails
89,5380githubtipSimple gem that prints a github tip on your terminal