Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144181-144200 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772null_associationsReturn null objects for your Rails belongs_to and has_one associations
136,3772flipkartA wrapper around Flipkart's API
136,3772customsUse the power of Cancan to control the flow of your controllers.
136,3772peterAuthGemAn authen application
136,3772srawlins-scruffyScruffy is a Ruby library for generating high quality, good looking graphs. It is desig...
136,3772amber_extension_generatorA utility for generating new extensions or component libraries which hook into `amber_c...
136,3772fec_results_generatorFor use in building a static-site API.
136,3772myshopUtility to get statistics from one's shopify store. Open source and easily expandable.
136,3772bookingsAllow any model to accept booking requests and confirmations.
136,3772rspec-file-transfer-matchersFileTransferMatchers are able to verify file movement, copying and deletion in RSpec ba...
136,3772remq-rbRedis Message Queue (ReMQ) is a message queue backed by the awesome key-value store, Re...
136,3772shorty_clientThe shorty client is a convienent wrapper for interacting with your shorty server from ...
136,3772ethashEthash is Ethereum's mining algorithm.
136,3772active_admin_globalize3_locale_selectorActive Admin Globalize3 Locale Selector
136,3772version_serializerSerialize Version from any object that require version
136,3772cli_editorA simple text editor for ruby.
136,3772smushConvert hashes to (and from) a flattened key-value pair.
136,3772best_buy_rubyA wrapper for Best Buy APIs.
136,3772ratnikov-active_record_base_without_tableAllows to use ActiveRecord::Base functionality without database table