Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144221-144240 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772rspec-preloader-hanamiLife is too short to be waiting for your tests to load.
136,3772workupWorkup is a workstation provisioning tool that focuses on cross-compatibility and min...
136,3772salt-matrixTool to build salt environments from various sources
136,3772active_record_postgresql_retryThis gem provides a patch that once included will retry the PostgreSQL operation in cas...
136,3772invalid_json_error_middlewareRails rack middleware to catch JSON parse errors
136,3772MatcherA library to match students with tutors on the bookatutor application
136,3772jrubyfx-fxmlloader-openjfx.patchJRubyFX FxmlLoader gem bits
136,3772joinengine_helloworldA hello world test gem
136,3772pnccs"Just test it!"
136,3772sunspot_cellThis gem adds Cell support (for indexing rich documents) to Sunspot
136,3772moped-i18nI18n backend for moped
136,3772terracycleA Ruby wrapper for the Terracycle REST APIs
136,3772resolvedA place to discuss ideas, wrapped up as a Rails engine
136,3772cricket_score_notifierProvides a realtime notification of ongoing cricket matches.
136,3772jekyll-mrsnailoA short description of my theme
136,3772picturefill_railsRails wrapper for picturefill.
136,3772surveillanceAllows you to give your users the ability to create polls in your Rails app
136,3772html_meta_tagsManage HTML meta tags in rails admin area to improve SEO, manage their i18n title, desc...
136,3772serial_interfaceserial_interface intends to be a small library that makes it easy ...
136,3772portlyThis library exposes information from the IANA Service Name and Transport Portocolo Por...