Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145561-145580 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840neon_searchA gem to handle CRUDding Neon Law data to Melisearch.
143,3840will_filterwill_filter is a powerful customizable framework for filtering active_record models.
143,3840totty-amqpAn implementation of the AMQP protocol in Ruby/EventMachine for writing clients to the ...
143,3840vagrant-vmware-dhcpSets up VMware's DHCP server to serve correct IP addresses to vagrant guests.
143,3840whenyouneedme-handsoapHandsoap is a library for creating SOAP clients in Ruby
143,3840torquebox-vfsTorqueBox VFS
143,3840twitter-userstreamEventmachine-based Twitter Userstream client
143,3840yaml_adapterGem yaml_adapter provides functionality based on ActiveRecord for group of YAML files.
143,3840odleAn easy to use security data parsing tool. Takes in data from different tools and outpu...
143,3840weather-botA weather lib for get result from string
143,3840yahoo-group-dataA lib to fetch public Yahoo group data
143,3840lightning_rbConnect to the Lightning Network with Ruby.
143,3840mdarby-weekdaysProvides methods to work with 'weekdays' (ie. 5.weekdays_ago)
143,3840the_interpolateYet Another simple string interpolation
143,3840nanoc-specProvides Nanoc::Spec, containing functionality for writing tests for Nanoc
143,3840tictactoe_j8thA gem encapsulating the logic of a tic tac toe game with an unbeatable AI.
143,3840mok_gemthis isa test by mok.hahah
143,3840metafyMetafy is a Gem for Rails 3 that makes it possible to easily add dynamic attributes to ...
143,3840wowheadrLeverage the power of Wowhead for your Ruby projects.
143,3840motion-tabMotionTab is a RubyMotion gem for making UITabBars easier to implement.