Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145541-145560 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382mock_procAn object that looks like a proc that can be used to verify a block was called (elegant...
110,0382tokenizer2fa-clientThe SDK allows framework independent two-factor authentication for your web application...
110,0382envvar-railsRails integration for envvar
110,0382lavanda-tetherA client-side library to make absolutely positioned elements attach to elements in the ...
110,0382bcms_contact_usA Bcms Contact Us Module for BrowserCMS
110,0382kc_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
110,0382manacleManacle will allow you to attach constraints to your objects that will persist across n...
110,0382jgm-ecstaticEcstatic is a framework for maintaining a static website from templates and data in YAM...
110,0382version_readerEasily read your VERSION file and display it in different formats
110,0382bpokosh-nifty-generatorsA collection of useful generator scripts for Rails.
110,0382easys3Put files to s3 & get files from s3 with single line of code.
110,0382jmcnevin-dryopterisDryopteris erythrosora is the Japanese Shield Fern. It also can be used to sanitize HTM...
110,0382jmonteiro-jmonteiro-safariwatirWATIR stands for "Web Application Testing in Ruby". See WATIR project for more informa...
110,0382lsghlist github organisation projects and pull requests
110,0382omniauth-wipWIP (wip.chat) OAuth 2 Strategy for OmniAuth.
110,0382botanicus-filelistFileList is taken from Rake
110,0382initialize_as_verboseBoot Rails verbosely with initializer details.
110,0382giant-uiGiant-UI - GUI Sass Framework
110,0382neutrino_software_company_view_toolPlaces Copyright with year, company name, and description where you need it.