Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147081-147100 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840lordthis is a dummary
143,3840music_comparecalculate coincidence(in %) between two music accounts
143,3840uk-hs_codeTrade Tariff Public API V2 communicator.
143,3840wotusayUser entry convenience
143,3840mdb_view_toolPorocides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
143,3840marverMarver is a gem that provides a wrapper to Marvel's API
143,3840monkey-gunOpinionated organization of projects
143,3840user_agent_generatorA very basic user agent generator for use with the user agent overrider extenstion in f...
143,3840mechanical-cukeA Mechanize driver for Cucumber. Provides step definitions for driving web application...
143,3840catnipBootstrap your OS X computer
143,3840voteable_jeffA sample voting gem.
143,3840view_inspectShows you the source location of a server-side or client-side rendered DOM element. Wor...
143,3840ut-rubocopUT Rubocop
143,3840money-ecbA Money::Bank that will fetch foreign exchange rates from the EU Central Bank (ECB).
143,3840log_weaselInstrument Rails and Resque with shared transaction IDs so that you trace execution acr...
143,3840mongoid-archivableMove Mongoid documents to an archive instead of destroying them.
143,3840testa_appium_driverTesta appium driver is a wrapper around ruby_lib_core. It leverages all driver features...
143,3840logstash-input-azurewadtableThis gem is a Logstash plugin. It reads and parses diagnostics data from Azure Storage ...
143,3840olap4r-mondrianMondrian driver for olap4r