Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147161-147180 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630logiceaLogicea supports Euruko 2013 because we believe in Ruby and its growing passionate comm...
85,8630heroku-platformHeroku Platform Client in Ruby
85,8630sluggable-unaiUnai's slug generator gem.
85,8630momentjs_precise_range-railsSupplies the moment-precise-range plugin for use with momentjs-rails in Rails.
85,8630neufelry-twitter-smsTwitter-SMS provides a persistent command line tool to send SMS updates to your mobile ...
85,8630hola_harshThis is for testing the gem
85,8630sploderSploder lets you work with S3 buckets from the command line
85,8630korbenSimple helper for configuration
85,8630pebbles-zenrazenra-ize some text.
85,8630em-handlersocketAsynchronous (EventMachine) HandlerSocket client
85,8630i18n_plusA library for i18n of countries, states, currencies, and locales.
85,8630test_machine_shopWraps the machineshop API.
85,8630lenz_baseLenz base
85,8630mumukit-assistantLibrary for providing assistance with mumuki exercises
85,8630ruql_cqbRuby-embedded DSL for creating short-answer quiz questions
85,8630hola_dgarciaapA simple hello world gem
85,8630salesflyRuby client for Salesfly API
85,8630httparty-iceboxCache responses in HTTParty models
85,8630frameioFrameio Ruby is a simple gem that wraps HTTParty and makes it easy to hit the Frameio API.