Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150281-150300 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051dry-schema-extensionsEnhances dry-schema with the ability to export convert dry-schemas to OpenAPI definitions.
103,2051raikar06Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
103,2051JumpstarterDescription of Jumpstarter.
103,2051encryptedzipCreated an encrypted zip.
103,2051within_named_scopeDetermine if an activerecord instance is within a named scope.
103,2051jasmine-runnerRun Jasmine specs using the Rails 3 Asset Pipeline and headlessly with PhantomJS
103,2051pairzonePair with anyone, on any git repository, right now.
103,2051inuit_railsWapper of inuit.css for rails applications
103,2051sequel-packersequel-packer is a flexible declarative DSL-based library for efficiently serializing S...
103,2051sluggitA cool gem for slugifying models.
103,2051remote_historyFull URL updating with AJAX = Full back button, reloading, and bookmark support!
103,2051krikri-specSharable test suite components for apps based on the Krikri engine.
103,2051jekyll-archives-dir-categoryAutomatically generate post archives by dates, tags, and categories.
103,2051rubysol-contractsrubysol-contracts - standard contracts (incl. erc20, erc721, etc) for ruby for layer 1 ...
103,2051omniauth-prestodoctorOmniAuth strategy for PrestoDoctor
103,2051loaded_dieA library for choosing randomly where some options are more likely than others.
103,2051import_jsA tool to simplify importing javascript modules
103,2051gosu-spritesheetA useful and yet simple spritesheet extension for Gosu.
103,2051ruby-serialportRuby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports.
103,2051shared_testsAssert shared behavior of objects easily using: assert_shared_tests :of => :some_shared...