Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150201-150220 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800web_app_builderClass that helps to keep database credentials for rails application in private place
102,5800tensai-logicLogic Framework
102,5800thegamesdbRuby Client for TheGamesDB API (thegamesdb.net). See README.md for usage
102,5800spree_brontoIntegrate Bronto email server and cart recovery into Spree Ecommerce platform
102,5800public_rescuePublicRescue is a gem for rails application who want to display dynamic error pages. It...
102,5800opensesame-githubProvide walled-garden authentication to public members of your github organization ...
102,5800nie_easy_tableCreate Table easily for Rails app
102,5800azure_cognitiveservices_customvisiontrainingMicrosoft Azure Cognitive Services Custom Vision Training Client Library for Ruby
102,5800railz_liteSimple, bare-bones web app template inspired by Rails.
102,5800ng_will_paginateAllows you to incorporate will_paginate into an Angular on Ruby on Rails app.
102,5800persian_datepicker_jsA gem for adding PersianDatepicker JS library to your Rails project.
102,5800better_sqsA convenient API for developers to interact with SQS with a trivial amount of effort
102,5800samsouder-titlecasetitlecase is a set of methods on the Ruby String class to add title casing support as s...
102,5800adp-downloaderThis app incrementally downloads ADP pay statements (pay stubs) from MyADP
102,5800rails-uikit-sassThis provides UIkit (SASS) as a rails gem
102,5800upyun-rainbowupaiyun ruby driver
102,5800refinedRefined scopes ActiveRecord collections automagicaly.
102,5800sandrboxA sandbox for that tries to change all Ruby code executed to be safe and non-destructiv...
102,5800quarter_systemClass Quarter for handling with the division of a calendar year into an arbitrary group...
102,5800rl_hiya_Koval_ArtemPuts greetings