Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
151221-151240 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870bust_rails_etagsHelps you bust your rails etags on new deploys.
135,8870capmongrelPlugin for capistrano to deploy to mongrel
135,8870splaytreemapA Splay Tree is a self adjusting binary search tree with the additional property that r...
135,8870sendlnBased on the ideas of having a quick place to dump email/ideas on from Pragmatic Thinki...
135,8870blue-resqueA Resque plugin for the Blue deployment framework
135,8870bcms_fckeditorA BrowserCMS module that makes FCKEditor the default html editor.
135,8870tipjoyruby implementation of tipjoy API
135,8870ciqlA CQL-based Cassandra client for Ruby
135,8870usdt_markerEvent marker using USDT. You can trace those user-defined events from eBPF.
135,8870azure_mgmt_security_insightsOfficial Ruby client library to consume SecurityInsights
135,8870unsupervised-language-detectionPerform unsupervised language detection, specifically for the purpose of finding Englis...
135,8870specksSmall application to manage your dot-files
135,8870cfdefCfdef is a tool to manage CloudFront.
135,8870cloudpt-apiTo deliver a more Rubyesque experience when using the cloudpt API.
135,8870rubybotsThis gem is related to Ruby Bots hosting (http://rubybots.com).
135,8870snWrite a longer description. Optional.
135,8870ruby-carrotVoiceBunny library for accessing API using Ruby.
135,8870vagrant-shortcutsEmbed shortcut commands directly in your Vagrant file
135,8870sidhu_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for rails applications
135,8870cmessagesA simple gem for outputting console errors/warnings/success/info messages.