Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
151141-151160 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380coopyRuby port of coopyhx, for calculating tabular diffs
129,5380crowd-clientA simple rest client for Crowd
129,5380discoverydocGenerates Markdown documentation from YAML discovery file.
129,5380busser-pybotA Busser runner plugin for Pybot
129,5380anagram-mineFind anagrams of words supplied on the command line
129,5380easy_attributesEasy Attributes is a Ruby DSL to give more control to attributes. It provides a unique ...
129,5380dreckTypechecks and coerces non-option arguments.
129,5380aaiCalculate Seanie's amino acid similarity score between multiple genomes/bins.
129,5380tokiToki is a DSL that helps you to implement Ruby version, patchlevel, engine and platform...
129,5380carlosbrando-autotest-notificationThis gem set the autotest (ZenTest) to send messages to software as Growl, LibNotify, a...
129,5380vfnetapisOAUTH with OneAPI calls against Vodafone's OneAPI endpoint.
129,5380Examenes2.0Gema para la clase 'Examenes'
129,5380voteable_david_sebAn easy way to implement simple voting in an application
129,5380turn-again-reporterA reporter for the minitest-reporters gem that more accurately mimics the behavior of t...
129,5380wordify_amyeisenmengerA couple methods to make strings cool, brah
129,5380arkSpecial purpose data store built on Git
129,5380excon-slides_instrumentorExcon instrumentor providing instrumentation in Slides format.
129,5380dm-zone-typesTimezone aware datatypes for DataMapper
129,5380dashesFormat data into a dashboard of charts/tables on the command line.