Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
151421-151440 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910mdeering-acts_as_treeSpecify this acts_as extension if you want to model a tree structure by providing a par...
121,9910onion_omegaControl the Onion Omega GPIO pins with Ruby
121,9910luka-multiinfoThis gem is Ruby interface to the Polkomtel's MultiInfo SMS gateway service, based on L...
121,9910qoobaa-user-choicesUnified interface to command-line, environment, and configuration files.
121,9910glassfishGlassFish gem is an embedded GlassFish V3 application server which ...
121,9910neo4j-testThe Java Jar files for the Neo4j Impermanent graph database
121,9910mdt-coreCore of Modular Deployment Tool
121,9910logstash-output-strideThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
121,9910harker_view_toolCreates method which can be called on web page to display copywrite info
121,9910rack-easouRender 400 error whenever a request's %-encoding is malformed
121,9910link_previewerA facebook-style link previewer (title, description and images).
121,9910lita-enhanceA Lita handler that enhances text by replacing opaque machine identifiers with that mac...
121,9910moranMoran is a simple JSON parser/outputter for RubyMotion Android
121,9910gestio2masqThis gem provides an executable that generates dnsmasq dns and dhcp configuration from ...
121,9910httpifyPrefixes any httpified elements with http:// should they be missing this
121,9910intermine-bio= Biological Extensions to the InterMine Webservice Client Library This library is a ...
121,9910omniauth-myheritageMyHeritage strategy for OmniAuth
121,9910flotilla-js-railsThis gem exposes the SCSS and JS for Flotilla JS
121,9910genkiGenki is a full-stack framework optimized for quick and easy creation of beautiful APIs.