Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
151461-151480 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910fireinc-pdf-readerThe PDF::Reader library implements a PDF parser conforming as much as possible to the P...
121,9910lukewendling-expressive_recordAdd meaningful names for belongs_to associations to Rails 2.1 model object dirty change...
121,9910gem-findSearch rubygems.org for gem info.
121,9910not_analytics_clientClient for not-analytics
121,9910findableRedis wrapper with API like ActiveRecord.
121,9910globaseInterface to the Globase API
121,9910job_dollarsA job dollar is an objective measure of the strength of the job market for entry-level ...
121,9910paypal-businessRuby-friendly paypal API. Works for both sandbox and live methods.
121,9910interfaceliftInstalls themes and other layout/interface related resources
121,9910gmail-contactsA Ruby library for fetching Gmail account contacts
121,9910leash_providerLeash allows you to build an OAuth2 provider for a closed set of trusted client apps. I...
121,9910lanalytics-railsRuby / Rails client gem for the Lanalytics Service as found on: [email protected]:xikol...
121,9910omniauth-beatportOmniAuth strategy for Beatport
121,9910meanMonkeypatches Ruby's Array Class to add "sum" and "mean" methods.
121,9910gxt-widgetsAn Extension to page-object gem which provides widgets for interacting with GXT control...
121,9910gettext_simpleA very simple version of Gettext reading .po files directly.
121,9910jekyll-theme-fermiA simple and pragmatic Jekyll theme for blog
121,9910knife-oneandoneOfficial Chef Knife plugin for managing 1&1 Cloud servers
121,9910mediumiteSimple wrapper for the Medium API written in Ruby.
121,9910fine_uploaderUser-friendly file-uploading experience over the web