Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
151561-151580 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380sutty-donaciones-jekyll-themeA theme for a donation page
89,5380docker-searchYou can list up or search the containers via the _catalog API
89,5380htmldirThat gem creates an html advanced tree for you with an simple command!
89,5380ffi-nativeWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
89,5380kielKiel automates the process of creating rake tasks to produce Amazon Machine Images (AMI...
89,5380kazusKazus provides a method to log a given message along with detailed inspections of all f...
89,5380interactor2Small, simple and dependency-free service object.
89,5380extratorrent_searchSearch Extratorrent for torrents and magnet links
89,5380hecks-adaptersHecks Adapters
89,5380regularfry-celerityCelerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit – a headless Java browser with JavaScript...
89,5380extciteGets DOIS and generates citations for your papers
89,5380openldap_monitor_extractorOpenLDAP stats gem extractor
89,5380redis_directoryRedis::Directory assumes a Redis installation running on a default port and database 0 ...
89,5380motion_require2Implementation of Kernel#require for RubyMotion
89,5380live_resource-activerecordAdds support to LiveRecord for ActiveRecord dependencies
89,5380fluent-plugin-resqueResque enqueue plugin
89,5380ltsviewLtsview - Labeled Tab Separated Value manipulator Viewer
89,5380neo-git-pairA git porcelain for pair programming. Changes git-config's user.name and user.email set...
89,5380kindredJavascript framework built for Rails