Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
152681-152700 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380jekyll-paginate-catsAutomatically generate pagination for each category
89,5380muzakA library for controlling playlists and media players.
89,5380hstore_accessor_rails5fork of hstore accessor that supports rails 5 .
89,5380pinxA base class for setting a digital pin to on, off, or blink, or on, off, or blinkg for ...
89,5380hydra_cacheThis gem provides a cache mechanism for Hydra to avoid hitting the same request multipl...
89,5380jupiterAutomated vSphere deployment in ruby
89,5380sjain-hash_keepAdds 'keep' method to Hash class
89,5380megalithMegalith Parser for Ruby 1.9.x.
89,5380halunkeA dynamic OO language with ideas traditionally described as "functional"
89,5380delayed_job_loggingProvides a module, which logs useful stuff about your Delayed Jobs in JSON format
89,5380event_finda_rubyRuby client to interact with EventFinda API - www.eventfinda.co.nz
89,5380lita-visitor-notification-handlerLita handler for parsing Envoy visitor notification message
89,5380progne_tapera-rspecProgne Tapera RSpec is a RSpec-based Shared Example for the Progne Tapera-based enum im...
89,5380ta4rTechnical Analysis For Ruby
89,5380enercopCustom rubocop rules to share between all EnergonĀ® ruby projects
89,5380just-the-hm-docsA modern, highly customizable, and responsive Jekyll theme for documentation with built...
89,5380purechartPure HTML/CSS charts for Ruby on Rails.
89,5380redis_attrRuby model attributes backed by redis
89,5380subwrapThis is a wrapper command for Subversion's command-line svn client that adds a few new ...