Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
152621-152640 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380todownExtract task from your markdown file
129,5380find_my_ipFind your public ip
129,5380exologgingExotic Logging Helpers
129,5380fastlane-plugin-uninow-sentryUpload symbols to Sentry
129,5380CCHIT-xds-facadeSimple interface for XDS for use with JRuby
129,5380tomosmacbook_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Palidrome Detector
129,5380ttilley-time_crisisdate and time related extensions
129,5380turingstudio-campaign_monitorA simple wrapper class that provides basic access to the Campaign Monitor API.
129,5380typograf_ruGem adds ability to format russian text by http://typograf.ru for AcitveRecord attributes.
129,5380wp-api-clientA read-only client for the WordPress REST API (v2).
129,5380authorize_ifMinimalistic authorization library for Ruby on Rails applications.
129,5380classadClassAd wraps the Hash object with code to create an xml doc representing a Condor ClassAd
129,5380ducktypecheckerCheck to see if an object "walks like a duck".
129,5380day_of_week_extensionAdds `day_of_week` method to `Date` and `DateTime`
129,5380be9-coloristColorist is a library built to handle the easy conversion and manipulation of colors wi...
129,5380almost-sinatraalmost-sinatra - six lines of almost sinatra refactored and bundled up for easy (re)use...
129,5380cnfs-iamFacilities to manage Users, Groups and Roles permission to Platform Resources
129,5380amr_google_calendarA fork of the Google Calendar gem by Steve Zich. The gem is a minimal wrapper around th...
129,5380carrierwave-orm-mongooUse CarrierWave with the Mongoo object mapper
129,5380allscripts_unity_clientProvides a simple interface to the Allscripts Unity API using JSON. Developed at health...