Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153841-153860 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700huginn_switchbot_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
38,9700tweetsearchExtracts tweets
38,9700know_moreA questionnaire scafflod gem
38,9700jdvp-back-to-topSimple gem used to add a back-to-top widget to my site
38,9700paribu_priceLibrary for pulling data from Paribu.com bitcoin exchange.
38,9700qrcodeableAdd qrcode support to your activerecord model.
38,9700rubytutorA console tool to help new developers and developers new to Ruby.
38,9700rotor_machineSimple Enigma-like rotor machine in Ruby
38,9700sys_lib_detectorSysLibDetector lists and installs all the gems' system libraries and native dependencies
38,9700matildaA collection of Functional Programming enhancements for Ruby. Fun and magic.
38,9700proc_rollbackRollback the side effects of a Proc by resetting the modified instance variables. Does ...
38,9700rufus-googlesnippets of Ruby code for accessing Google stuff
38,9700leeh-mini_exiftoolThis library is wrapper for the Exiftool command-line application (http://www.sno.phy.q...
38,9700mckeyA simple hello world gem
38,9700capture_ioCapture STDOUT given a start/stop interface
38,9700pretty_secondsConvert seconds to formatted style.
38,9700rbbit'rbbit' is a Class library and WebSocket server to use 'micro:bit'
38,9700zeroneConcurrent Decentral Transmedia Framework
38,9700sinatra-simple-authsuper simple auth extension for Sinatra