Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153821-153840 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700myfirsthelloworldgemA simple hello world gem that i will tweak in to more
38,9700kvnKVN key/value notation converter & parser
38,9700voteable_jameshA voting gem.
38,9700nullobject-gemjourAdvertise, list, and install gems over Bonjour.
38,9700sms-pilot-api-v1Simple wrapper around SMS pilot API v1. Version 1 because it returns more data within i...
38,9700yukiko-merb_dynamic_sassMerb Dynamic Sass is a Merb Slice that provides more handy way to use Sass engine.
38,9700carwow-json_api_clientBuild client libraries compliant with specification defined by jsonapi.org
38,9700cxaasTeste gem soma subtrai
38,9700cyprus-postal-codesA gem for using the CyprusPost: Postal Codes API (https://documenter.getpostman.com/vie...
38,9700zenhob-hclHCl is a command-line client for manipulating Harvest time sheets.
38,9700web_adminSistema administrativo para site
38,9700carterdte_smtp_filterDescription - Postfix SMTP Filter to parse DTE files to CarterDTE Platform
38,9700gigs-rubyGigs API Ruby client - Placeholder
38,9700generate_lottoGenerates Random numbers for your Lottery.
38,9700job_contractsEnforceable contracts for jobs
38,9700gitlab-fluent-plugin-detect-exceptionsFluentd output plugin which detects exception stack traces in a stream of JSON log m...
38,9700prog_scorerScore program files automatically.
38,9700solidus_image_multi_uploadAllow Solidus to upload multiple product images at the same time.
38,9700voxality_coreThe aim of this gem is to create/pack/unpack/install/uninstall a voxel which is a modul...
38,9700zenoZeno generates ETA/OS applications with a single command.