Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180241-180260 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250query_execThis gem is used to execute SQL queries in our rails application. Sample syntax result=...
68,6250starchAn opinionated skeleton generator for basic static sites.
68,6250fresh-redisA simple wrapper around Redis in Ruby that provides easy mechanisms for keeping your ca...
68,6250emersontranscendent views
68,6250grepitySmall analog for grep utility
68,6250openproject-emojiDisplays emoji images in OpenProject :thumbs_up:
68,6250project_maduraiExtracts title and author from project madurai site and create cover page generator
68,6250gatling-rakeRake task for running gatling load tests
68,6250sendgrid_template_engineSendGrid Template Engine API module
68,6250rubyXL-git-ref-6002046rubyXL is a gem which allows the parsing, creation, and manipulation of Microsoft Excel...
68,6250net-irc2library for implementing IRC server and client
68,6250rainforest_ruby_runtimeRainforest Ruby Runtime
68,6250sequel-openedge-adapter== About Sequel adapter for OpenEdge RDBMS. Can use ODBC/JDBC drivers provided by Data...
68,6250zendesk_engineThis engine provides a controller to create tickets through zendesk API
68,6250latinverb_chart_presenterA library for displaying a LatinVerb
68,6250latinverb_deponent_string_deriverDerives a "fake" description string for a LatinVerb to represent it in a deponent state
68,6250media-element-logo-pluginThe logo on the scrubber bar opens a window or links back to the original page.
68,6250octopress-filter-tagA Liquid block tag which can conditionally filter its content
68,6250thlias_mega_lottoprovides a method to output lottary winning numbers
68,6250mrpin-rocketamfFast AMF3 serializer/deserializer with remoting request/response wrappers to simplify i...