Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180261-180280 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910binnerocbins x, y data into discrete bins using constant time binning. Useful.
151,8910cloudfoundry_blue_green_deployBlue-green deployment tool for Cloud Foundry. Please see readme.
151,8910easy_pdf_cloudSimplified access to the easypdfcloud.com RESTful API
151,8910carlo-ubuntu-machineCapistrano recipes for setting up and deploying to a Ubuntu Machine. Written by Thomas ...
151,8910chef-handler-twitterTweeting Chef report handler
151,8910betsGem for get data from bets
151,8910chrisa-ruby-dtraceRuby-DTrace is Ruby bindings for Dtrace, which allows you to add DTrace probes to your ...
151,8910chriseppstein-compassCompass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintain...
151,8910chrislloyd-tyronecare the shit out of your ui
151,8910column_sortColumn sorting for index pages
151,8910dsm-portfolio-pluginGenerates site project data and declares custom tags.
151,8910derailed-moleA flexible way to track user's interactions within your ruby web applications
151,8910derfred-worklingeasily do background work in rails, without commiting to a particular runner. comes wit...
151,8910devver-constructConstruct is a DSL for creating temporary files and directories during testing.
151,8910dockerchainBuild a series of docker images from a set of dockerfiles, chaining the output of one i...
151,8910dummy-apartmentThis gem generates dummy information of apartment, including address, name, room number...
151,8910diabolo-webratWebrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web app...
151,8910factorylabs-cargohttp://www.factorylabs.com/images/cargo.png Cargo is a set of tools to help streamline...
151,8910fermion-better_partialsWrapper around render :partial that removes the need to use :locals, and allows blocks ...
151,8910cacchernoperate Redis like ActiveRecord interface