Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180521-180540 of all 180,689 gems.
179,4810plntr-fakes3Fork of https://github.com/jubos/fake-s3. Use Fake S3 to test basic Amazon S3 functiona...
179,4810harpiya_apiHarpiya's API
179,4810rjack-httpclient-3A gem packaging of Commons HttpClient 3.x for JRuby.
179,4810rceT-O-D-O ('cause fuck `gem`): Write a longer description or delete this line.
179,4810fresnoFramework for scripting FRC bots with Mirah.
179,4810likenessPowerful string similarity determination using the Shingles method.
179,4810fb-supportFb::Support provides common functionality to Fb, Fb::Auth. It is considered suitabl...
179,4810mantis-logstash-output-solr_httpThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
179,4810pi_customizerThe pi_customizer gem allows you to adapt Raspbian images to your needs!
179,4810mb-utilUse directly from Git for now, rather than rubygems.
179,4810kyotocabinet-javaWrapper for Kyoto Cabinet's Java library for use with JRuby, to provide the same interf...
179,4810matteryMatter is a great assistant for develop your web app, mac app and win app
179,4810jruby-executorsThe Gem provides an easy interface to the JRuby Executors library.
179,4810rack-portraitRack application wrapper around portrait image gem
179,4810miniakkaAllows create actor routers with supervisor.
179,4810sidonath-authlogic_rpxAuthlogic extension/plugin that provides RPX (rpxnow.com) authentication support
179,4810jethSimple Ethereum JSON RPC client. Supports IPC/HTTP and JSON RPC 2.0.
179,4810orgasmA Ruby (dis)?assembler library.
179,4810logstash-input-log4j2-test1This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
179,4810nexpose_pxgridThis JRuby Gem allows Nexpose to scan IPs detected by Cisco pxGrid and apply quarantines.