Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180541-180560 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870tlWrite a longer description. Optional.
135,8870sass-resrcifyAllows resrcifying asset paths
135,8870sidekiq_memlimitRestart Sidekiq gracefully when exceeding preset memory limit
135,8870chili_pepperUsing in-place editing etc.
135,8870sluggable_kevinThe useful slugging gem ever.
135,8870simple_life_gameSimple realization of Life game
135,8870serfInteractors with policy protection
135,8870arunthampi-evented_netEvented HTTP Library. Wraps Normal HTTP GET/POST calls to use evented calls if EventMac...
135,8870ascarter-auth-hmacA gem providing HMAC based authentication for HTTP
135,8870ashbb-string_moreStringMore adds useful features to the String class
135,8870aslakhellesoy-pngPNG is an almost-pure-ruby PNG library. It lets you write a PNG without any C libraries.
135,8870assaf-scrapiscrAPI is an HTML scraping toolkit for Ruby. It uses CSS selectors to write easy, maint...
135,8870astrails-http_requireallows you to require "http://foo/bar.rb"
135,8870shenandoahA javascript test framework for buildr, rails, and other ruby-built projects
135,8870ruby-agiRuby Language API for Asterisk
135,8870condomA Ruby gem to create a skeleton for a LaTeX document.
135,8870rubyjedi-actionwebserviceAdds WSDL/SOAP and XML-RPC web service support to Action Pack
135,8870aurelian-ruby-stemmerStemmer implementation to ruby using libstemmer_c. Working with ruby 1.9.1
135,8870checkmcheckm implementation
135,8870spree_barcodeSpree Barcode