Featured Gems Ranking

Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
421-440 of all 546 gems.
RankDiffDaily RankTotal RankNameSummary
419+48345393bindataBinData is a declarative way to read and write binary file formats. This means the pro...
422+47223270dry-inflectorString inflections for dry-rb
423+46605651rack-acceptHTTP Accept, Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, and Accept-Language for Ruby/Rack
423+46100146faraday-exconFaraday adapter for Excon
425+443882zeitwerkZeitwerk implements constant autoloading with Ruby semantics. Each gem and applicat...
426+43443486molinilloProvides support for dependency resolution
427+41809850draperDraper adds an object-oriented layer of presentation logic to your Rails apps.
427+41561602multi_testWafter-thin gem to help control rogue test/unit/autorun requires
429+40258298napNap is a really simple REST library. It allows you to perform HTTP requests with mi...
429+40231271et-orbiTime zones for fugit and rufus-scheduler. Urbi et Orbi.
431+39321360browserDo some browser detection with Ruby.
432+38426464faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4Faraday middleware for AWS Signature Version 4 using aws-sigv4.
433+37750787elasticsearch-railsRuby on Rails integrations for Elasticsearch.
434+36931967asciidoctorA fast, open source text processor and publishing toolchain for converting AsciiDoc con...
434+36167203http-acceptParse Accept and Accept-Language HTTP headers.
434+36297333nanaimoA library for (de)serialization of ASCII Plists.
437+35643678omniauth-facebookFacebook OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
437+35166201rubocop-rspecCode style checking for RSpec files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcing & li...
437+3588123marcelSimple mime type detection using magic numbers, filenames, and extensions
440+34745779mixlib-logA gem that provides a simple mixin for log functionality