321-340 of 346 results for search "guard-"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
144,9323,613guard-rackunitGuard::RackUnit runs Racket RackUnit tests
146,0033,568guard-bloggerGuard plugin for updating Blogger templates using Capybara/Selenium Webdriver.
147,3583,513guard-catalogAutomatic folder clean up with Catalog.
148,1993,479guard-predictionioGuard::PredictionIO automatically runs your PredictionIO server
148,3713,472guard-jstSimple Guard plugin for handle JST templates in EJS format.
148,6373,463guard-rustGuard::Rust automatically builds your Rust code.
149,1623,444guard-flowGuard plugin for Flow type checks
151,7193,354guard-jaspecGuard plugin for Jaspec
151,9453,344guard-konacha-versionGuard plugin for the konacha testing framework.
152,2973,330guard-jslintRun your specs with Jslint watching your javascripts. BETA
154,8023,197guard-tishadowStart tishadow server and push updates on changes to app directory
155,2673,173guard-abletonsetConverts Ableton Live .als files to XML as they're saved.
158,9512,867fluent-plugin-siteguard-parserSiteGuard multi log parser.
159,6152,789guard-faktory_workerGuard plugin for faktory-worker
159,7262,776guard-annotate_gemGuard::AnnotateGem automatically annotate your gems on update.
163,1282,544guard-invokerGuard plugin for the invoker process management utility.
165,5142,417guard-alfredGuard::Alfred automatically creates javascript fixtures on file changes'
167,5462,299guard-i18n-jsonGuard::I18nJson automatically exports your I18n translations as JSON files
167,6972,291guard-erb_lintGuard plugin for erb_lint
168,3082,254guard-codespellGuard::Codespell uses codespell to automatically look for typos in your codebase.