281-300 of 346 results for search "guard-"
Total Rank | Total Downloads | Name | Summary |
127,319 | 4,511 | guard-js-static-require | This guard watches for new/removed javascript files and automatic inject the script tag... |
127,491 | 4,502 | guard-xcoder | Guard::Xcoder performs project operations when project files are modified. |
127,749 | 4,489 | guard-readme-on-github | Preview your README as if it's on github |
127,778 | 4,487 | guard-minitest-decisiv | Guard::Minitest automatically run your tests with MiniTest framework (much like autotest) |
128,764 | 4,429 | guard-jet | Guard::Jet automatically build your Jet app. |
129,593 | 4,378 | guard-hogan | Compiles your Hogan mustache templates with Guard |
129,723 | 4,371 | infochimps-guard-chef | Guard::Chef allows to automatically & intelligently update roles, cookbooks, and databa... |
130,212 | 4,346 | guard-yaml | Checks your YAML syntax. That's all. |
130,694 | 4,320 | guard-mustachejs | Compiles mustache templates into a single .js file. |
130,742 | 4,317 | guard-python-unittest | Guard for executing Python unit tests |
130,986 | 4,303 | mcmire-guard-minitest | Guard::Minitest automatically run your tests with MiniTest framework (much like autotest) |
131,759 | 4,262 | guard-fixture_builder | Guard for fixture_builder |
132,072 | 4,247 | guard-notifier-gntp_only-darwin | Mades Guard::Notifier::GNTP available only on Mac OS X (darwin) |
132,858 | 4,210 | guard-strainer | Watch for changes in your chef-repo or cookbook and automatically run Strainer |
133,442 | 4,179 | guard-copy2 | A Guard plugin to watch and copy files |
133,577 | 4,172 | guard-staticmatic | Watches for changes in a staticmatic directory and fires build when they happen. |
133,665 | 4,167 | guard-elixir | Guard::Elixir automatically runs Elixir 'mix' tests |
133,863 | 4,157 | guard-bower_rails | Guard::BowerRails automatically install/update your bower dependencies when needed |
133,925 | 4,154 | guard-mouch | Guard::Mouch runs mouch's push automatically |
133,925 | 4,154 | guard-cocoapods | A guard plugin for CocoaPods. |