241-260 of 346 results for search "guard-"
Total Rank | Total Downloads | Name | Summary |
104,128 | 6,730 | guard-stitch-plus | A Guard plugin for compiling javascripts with Stitch Plus. |
104,144 | 6,728 | guard-phpspec | Like the guard-phpunit gem, this is for projects using PHPSpec |
104,916 | 6,617 | guard-llsprockets | Guard::Sprockets automatically packages your javascript files together. |
105,145 | 6,585 | guard-shopifytheme | Guard::Shopifytheme uses shopify_theme to update shopify when watched files are modified |
106,011 | 6,471 | guard-ejs | Guard gem for EJS |
107,297 | 6,323 | guard-sass-lint | Automatically run sass-lint on your SASS |
107,854 | 6,264 | guard-asciidoctor | asciidoctor guard |
107,952 | 6,254 | guard-depend | Run commands only if build output is not up to date. |
108,957 | 6,149 | guard-cookstyle | Guard::Cookstyle automatically checks Ruby code style with Cookstyle when files are mod... |
110,260 | 6,010 | guard-nginx | A guard-plugin for running a local installation of nginx. |
110,737 | 5,964 | guard-image_optim | Guard::ImageOptim automatically optimizes your images with image_optim. |
110,901 | 5,948 | guard-opal-rails | Guard::OpalRails automatically runs your opal specs in rails projects using opal-rails |
111,350 | 5,907 | rta | The rta command is kind of like "guard-lite". If you don't want to muck with Guardfiles... |
111,822 | 5,865 | guard-schema | Guard-Schema is a guard extension (fork of guard-db) handling the rake db:test:clone wh... |
113,961 | 5,674 | guard-sclang | Guard::Sclang automatically runs sclang commands when watched files are modified. |
114,607 | 5,605 | guard-yamlsort | Sorts YAML files alphabetically by key. |
114,660 | 5,599 | guard-shellexec | Guard plugin to execute command line scripts when files change |
115,287 | 5,532 | guard-simple_shell | A guard that runs a shell command once, even when there are multiple file changes |
115,383 | 5,522 | guard-railsbp | Guard plugin for Rails Best Practices |
116,115 | 5,445 | guard-minitest_cr | Guard::MinitestCr automatically runs your Minitest for Crystal (minitest.cr) tests or s... |