241-260 of 346 results for search "guard-"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
104,1286,730guard-stitch-plusA Guard plugin for compiling javascripts with Stitch Plus.
104,1446,728guard-phpspecLike the guard-phpunit gem, this is for projects using PHPSpec
104,9166,617guard-llsprocketsGuard::Sprockets automatically packages your javascript files together.
105,1456,585guard-shopifythemeGuard::Shopifytheme uses shopify_theme to update shopify when watched files are modified
106,0116,471guard-ejsGuard gem for EJS
107,2976,323guard-sass-lintAutomatically run sass-lint on your SASS
107,8546,264guard-asciidoctorasciidoctor guard
107,9526,254guard-dependRun commands only if build output is not up to date.
108,9576,149guard-cookstyleGuard::Cookstyle automatically checks Ruby code style with Cookstyle when files are mod...
110,2606,010guard-nginxA guard-plugin for running a local installation of nginx.
110,7375,964guard-image_optimGuard::ImageOptim automatically optimizes your images with image_optim.
110,9015,948guard-opal-railsGuard::OpalRails automatically runs your opal specs in rails projects using opal-rails
111,3505,907rtaThe rta command is kind of like "guard-lite". If you don't want to muck with Guardfiles...
111,8225,865guard-schemaGuard-Schema is a guard extension (fork of guard-db) handling the rake db:test:clone wh...
113,9615,674guard-sclangGuard::Sclang automatically runs sclang commands when watched files are modified.
114,6075,605guard-yamlsortSorts YAML files alphabetically by key.
114,6605,599guard-shellexecGuard plugin to execute command line scripts when files change
115,2875,532guard-simple_shellA guard that runs a shell command once, even when there are multiple file changes
115,3835,522guard-railsbpGuard plugin for Rails Best Practices
116,1155,445guard-minitest_crGuard::MinitestCr automatically runs your Minitest for Crystal (minitest.cr) tests or s...