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126341-126360 of all 182,869 gems.
126,3324,518sprout-swx-librarySWX is the native data format for the Flash Platform.
126,3324,518codebreaker-1.0.0Write a longer description or delete this line.
126,3324,518compass.takitapart.frameworkA semantic, fluid, responsive framework for compass.
126,3324,518nginx-watcherWatches an nginx log and posts what it finds to a server
126,3324,518degiro_clientRuby Client for the unofficial DeGiro API - working version with all basic methods
126,3324,518file_schedulerManage a audio/video program from a simple directory
126,3324,518rgdalPretty wrapper for GDAL/OGR
126,3324,518vagrant-vbguest-centosThis is an experimental extension to vagrant-vbguest. It might also serve as a temp...
126,3324,518soleone-highriseBased on the original API module from DHH,, th...
126,3324,518trainbbcodeeditorProvides a nice looking editor for TrainBBCode
126,3324,518gonow-spreeSpree is an open source e-commerce framework for Ruby on Rails. Join us on the spree-u...
126,3324,518template_wrappertemplate_wrapper runs in development only and overrides Rails rendering to add a small ...
126,3324,518hoursCalculates time difference within 24 hour limit.
126,3324,518firejabA simple Jabber bot that shuttles messages between Jabber and Campfire
126,3324,518globally_unique_recordAn AR abstract superclass that features a UUID as the default 'id' column, and a genera...
126,3324,518sprout-tweener-libraryTweener (caurina.transitions.Tweener) is a Class used to create tweenings and other tra...
126,3324,518sql_loaderSqlLoader allows you to keep your plain SQL queries as files instead of mixing them in ...
126,3324,518saucerly-r3PDF rending plugin for Rails using FlyingSaucer originally from Tim Riley, changes from...
126,3594,517segmentorSegmentor creates slices from your data that can be used for notifications
126,3594,517fentonGem1Gem really doesnt do anything