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126461-126480 of all 182,869 gems.
126,4574,511asanerAsana API client for ruby
126,4574,511nanojs_railsnanoJS with Rails assets pipeline
126,4574,511gowallacheckinsGets checkin json from gowalla servers for a user
126,4574,511worker-field-active_storageFront version for Admin active storage -
126,4574,511sstacey_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
126,4574,511better_jasminericeFull support for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline when bdd'ing your coffeescript or javascr...
126,4574,511viisp-authLithuanian E-Government Gateway "Elektroniniai valdžios vartai" identity service client.
126,4574,511openapi_ipifyOpenAPI client for ipify, a simple public IP address API
126,4574,511dot_exampleKeep your project's environment variables in snyc across your team.
126,4574,511rmetaweblogA ruby class for interacting with the MetaWebLog API used by many blogging systems.
126,4724,510sprout-as3youtubelib-libraryThe YouTube API provides an ActionScript 3.0 interface to search videos from YouTube.
126,4724,510travoltagem squatting, it's a thing
126,4724,510minjectorminjector submits a directory tree to a central server for parsing
126,4724,510frank4712Write a gem description
126,4724,510adept_scale_active_jobWrapper for ActiveJob to provide tags to STDOUT for use with AdeptScale worker scaling.
126,4724,510gs2-ruby-sdk-realtimeGame Server Services GS2-Realtime Client Library
126,4724,510skippy-authlogicA clean, simple, and unobtrusive ruby authentication solution.