Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
127481-127500 of all 182,853 gems.
127,4704,448webget_ruby_dsl_readerWebGet Ruby Gem: Domain Specific Language Reader to parse DSL text
127,4704,448ruport-wiki-table-formatterRuport::WikiTableFormatter is an extension for Ruport to format Ruport::Table data into...
127,4834,447twinkcameliaTk twink
127,4834,447Clemons_view_toolProviedes generated HTML data for Rails applications.
127,4834,447generic_form_forSuper easy adjustable form builder with formtastic style DSL
127,4834,447script_summonerscript_summoner creates a template ruby script including command-line parsing and docum...
127,4834,447hoarderA utility to push static files to cloud storage.
127,4834,447robomakeAutomatically build an Android NDK application
127,4834,447omniauth-dotloopOmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for Contactually.
127,4834,447ie_snowmanFor SEO purposes the snowman fix is only applied for the IE browser. Firefox, Safari, O...
127,4834,447dark_matterThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
127,4834,447protest-railsProtest is a tiny, simple, and easy-to-extend test framework. Protest-rails brings that...
127,4834,447jekyll-pubmedA jekyll plugin to get publication details from pubmed using eutils
127,4834,447batmanThe beginnings of an idea
127,4834,447jmgarnier_travis_dedupStop all builds on the same PR when a new job starts.
127,4834,447unsubscribeAutomatically unsubscribe from emails in Rails.
127,4834,447nifty-generators-improvedA collection of useful Rails generator scripts for scaffolding, layout files, authentic...
127,4834,447hola_krnbattaA simple hello world gem
127,4834,447em-ftpd-fsdVery simple file system driver for EM-FTPD server; including common FTP commands, authe...