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127521-127540 of all 182,853 gems.
127,5144,445r3poA gem that provides rake tasks to enforce standard semantic versioning and repo cleanli...
127,5144,445keyring-kwalletKWallet backend for keyring gem.
127,5144,445rspec-profilerA better formatter for the rspec performance profile
127,5144,445filmotUploads images to Filmot is an alternative URL for imgur.
127,5144,445omniauth-dailymotionDailymotion strategy for OmniAuth
127,5144,445speccleSpeccle - wrapper for spec that colorizes iTerm window background to reflect spec pass/...
127,5144,445reversoInterface for translation service. Command-line tool included.
127,5144,445fluent-plugin-detect-memb-exceptionsFluentd output plugin which detects ft membership specific exception stack traces in a ...
127,5144,445nrdeDownload NR Dashbord as PDF to Send reports over Email
127,5144,445winexcelMakes it possible to access MS Excel from Ruby via Excel COM/Win32OLE interface. Enable...
127,5144,445logstash-input-gelfxThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
127,5144,445gradekitGrading automation toolkit for CSCI261 Programming Concepts at the Colorado School of M...
127,5144,445define-wnLook up words using Wordnet
127,5144,445cityCity Framework
127,5144,445rdoc-generator-solarfishSingle-page HTML5 generator for Ruby RDoc
127,5144,445html_notesAn interface html to view annotations in source files
127,5144,445no_brainer_soft_deleteExtends the NoBrainer ORM to include soft delete capabilities similar to Paranoia for A...
127,5144,445ecm_staffECM Module Template.
127,5144,445a-panzerA. Panzer game
127,5404,444sequel-pg_defer_constraintsDisable and enable PG constraints