Total Downloads Ranking

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127981-128000 of all 180,643 gems.
127,9814,253liferay_contentliferay_content provides access in Ruby to Liferay contents
127,9814,253flickrb_collageGet 10 pics on Flickr and make a collage
127,9814,253rbhive-vidmaSimple gem for executing Hive queries and collecting the results
127,9814,253mediawiki_robotGem for creating robots that monitor/maintain MediaWiki-based wikis.
127,9814,253enumableSimple enum attributes for Active Record models
127,9814,253sass-zip-importerAllows sass, scss, and css files within zip files to be found using Sass @import direct...
127,9814,253seed_extextract active_record to truncate and seed
127,9814,253kafka_rest_proxy_clientA ruby client for the Kafka REST Proxy API
127,9814,253yspassengerEasy and robust Ruby web application deployment.
127,9814,253fluent-plugin-redis-pubsubredis-pubsub plugin for Fluentd
127,9814,253radiant-heroku_sass-extensionEnables SASS to compile on Heroku's read-only filesystem
127,9814,253nutritiousReads bookmark stream from
127,9814,253synonym-finderSynonym finder is a biodiversity tool for finding homotypic nomenclatural synonyms in t...
127,9814,253maksar-remarkable_activerecordRemarkable ActiveRecord: collection of matchers and macros with I18n for ActiveRecord
127,9814,253fullnameA simple hello world gem
127,9814,253mcbansAccess the MCBans API from Ruby
127,9814,253xiaccA Compiler-Compiler
127,9814,253config_xConfigX provides you with a simple DSL to configure classes, modules and objects
127,9814,253adamelliot-nifty-generatorsA collection of useful generator scripts for Rails.
128,0004,252cinch-loginA plugin allowing to sign in automatically your bot to NickServ.