Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
128021-128040 of all 180,643 gems.
128,0214,251active_loaderLoad YAML and JSON easily and safely with Active Loader.
128,0214,251kewego_partyRuby wrapper for the Kewego API using HTTP Party
128,0214,251spackler'The spackler gem enables you to very easily obtain data on all golf tournament sc...
128,0214,251resolv-consulHelper to query Consul DNS Interface for DNS-SRV RRs
128,0214,251haveProvide simple have?/has? methods
128,0214,251mystromTiny interface to HTTP API of MyStrom WLAN switches
128,0214,251pagificateSimple semi-static page management Rails Engine
128,0214,251xml_miniExtraction of the XML handling code from ActiveSupport
128,0214,251elcalc"This is my first gem"
128,0214,251saml_op_clientSAML OP Client
128,0214,251jobviteFetch jobs from Jobvite
128,0214,251wordy_numberIt provides all possible word replacements from a given dictionary (or default dictiona...
128,0214,251mochizukiGet the amount of electricity remaining for dorms, Tongji University
128,0214,251mimic-rbMinimalistic Library for Mocking, Stubbing, and Faking Classes
128,0214,251omniauth-nkOmniAuth Strategy for using OAuth2
128,0214,251logstash-input-openwhiskThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
128,0214,251rocketamf_pureFast AMF serializer/deserializer with remoting request/response wrappers to simplify in...
128,0214,251opal-httpgetHTTP get request sender for opal.