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129221-129240 of all 180,629 gems.
129,2124,183komerciGem para integração com o Komerci da Redecard
129,2124,183murmuring_spiderMurmuringSpider is a concise Twitter crawler. When we write a data-mining / text-minin...
129,2124,183petrelRubyGem wrapper for
129,2124,183xvpXVP password encryption for ruby
129,2124,183botecoDificuldades em chamar um garçom? Chame o seu garçom favorito do jeito mais criativo!
129,2124,183typekit_domain_managerA wrapper to allow for easy control of TypeKit Kit domain whitelists.
129,2124,183jettrUse Jetty from JRuby.
129,2124,183rutrackJetBrains youTrack Rest API Client in Ruby. Forked from youtrack gem (by John Faucett)
129,2124,183open_eventsAn open-source repository of events listings web scrapers and tools
129,2124,183football-catfootball-cat - concatenate football.csv datafiles - make out of many, one
129,2124,183adams_songPatches String class to know whether or not it is a lyric from Adams Song by Blink 182
129,2124,183fog-hetznercloudFog provider gem to support the Hetzner Cloud.
129,2124,183rasterAn HTML5 typographic-grid system using Sass.
129,2124,183himawariMakes pretty, high-res backgrounds from the real-time photos of Earth by Himawari8, or ...
129,2124,183tethTeth is a Ethereum smart contract test framework in ruby. It provides two testing envir...
129,2124,183ventable-statsdIntegrate Ventable with Statsd in order to track some or all events that occur using a ...
129,2124,183spree_videosAllows videos (Youtube) to be added on products
129,2124,183silent-oracleRails plugin that silences Oracle Enhanced connection adapter's verbose output.
129,2124,183fast_combineNative C implementation of #combine function used by rom-rb.