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129201-129220 of all 180,507 gems.
129,1924,172trado_googlemerchant_moduleModule for Google Merchant Product Feed functionality in the Trado Ecommerce platform.
129,1924,172markup_helpersFramework agnostic markup helpers
129,1924,172git_ownership_insightsThis gem prints git ownership insights
129,1924,172nurettin-jruby-poiA rubyesque library for manipulating spreadsheets and other document types for jruby, u...
129,1924,172nesta-plugin-cacheCache-control headers plugin for Nesta, a Ruby CMS
129,1924,172crud_methodsdesign pattern that allows order-independent class-level definition of action-dependent...
129,1924,172activestorage-dummyDummy placeholders as an Active Storage service.
129,1924,172typekit_domain_managerA wrapper to allow for easy control of TypeKit Kit domain whitelists.
129,1924,172knife-ninefoldNinefold Support for Chef's Knife Command
129,1924,172rankitizeGem to allow ActiveRecord models to find their ranking in a list.
129,1924,172geonames-wrapperBare-metal wrapper for GeoNames JSON Web Service API. Simple and effective.
129,1924,172merchant_sidekickA light-weight E-commerce plugin.
129,1924,172hash_map_attributessimple hash convert attributes
129,1924,172luchadora luchador can be whatever yoy want it to be
129,1924,172dynamic_includedynamic inclusion
129,1924,172tethTeth is a Ethereum smart contract test framework in ruby. It provides two testing envir...
129,1924,172fast_combineNative C implementation of #combine function used by rom-rb.
129,2184,171tapiReference client to the Travel IQ API at
129,2184,171pronto-clippyClippy runner for Pronto
129,2184,171rpx_regexpRestrict who authenticates through Janrain with a regexp