Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
131261-131280 of all 180,518 gems.
131,2504,075fancy-gallery-railsFancy Gallery packaged for Rails asset pipeline
131,2504,075nogara-resque-statsdWill add a counter for enqueuing, performing, failing and timing Jobs
131,2504,075test_pivotal_workstationJust a test of the theory, mind you
131,2504,075soliditysolidity - (fuzzy) lexer & parser for (crypto) contracts for ethereum & co.
131,2504,075aldrichA project that is an attempt to rehabilitate and generalize a data ingestion/importatio...
131,2504,075scratch_pad-widgets-flashWidget gem for ScratchPad
131,2504,075smartgen_erbUse Erb plugin when generating files with smartgen
131,2504,075rspec-preconditionsSometimes every example in an RSpec example group fails because of a bug in the b...
131,2694,074dependancesWhat you need
131,2694,074tic_tac_toe_engineA Tic Tac Toe engine.
131,2694,074markdown_previewerSimple rack app to give your app 'Preview Markdown' functionality.
131,2694,074workflow_rb-mongoMongoDB persistence provider for workflow_rb
131,2694,074vagrant-kraneVagrant plugin that helps app development with Docker. It offers domain resolution, etc
131,2694,074bntBosh ninja tools
131,2694,074quick_authGem for backend authorization
131,2694,074my_string_extend_mrleinadThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,2694,074hipchat_nagios_notifierHipChat nagios notifier.
131,2694,074coatiA simple utility that hides instance variables inside Ruby objects
131,2694,074resque-crashlogA handler for Resque's failure backend that will send exceptions through to