Total Downloads Ranking

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180501-180520 of all 180,702 gems.
180,500171google-shopping-cssPlaceholder for the future Google-authored gem google-shopping-css. This placeholder is...
180,500171observable_railsObserve your Rails app using Open Telemetry
180,500171modspecLibrary to work with OGC ModSpec.
180,500171twirp-on-railsA simple way to serve Twirp RPC services in a Rails app. Minimial configuration and fam...
180,500171addition_mariamA simple addition gem
180,500171rupklPkl parser for Ruby
180,500171select2-bootstrap-railsSelect2, a jQuery-based substitute for select boxes, offers features such as search fun...
180,509170catterCatter is a Ruby gem that provides a fun way to display random cat emojis in your appli...
180,509170raigenRAIGEN: Ruby AI Generation
180,509170knfKNF for Ruby
180,509170time_exprModify Time without monkeypatching Fixnum
180,509170raigen-railsRAIGEN: Ruby AI Generation for Rails
180,509170rakuten_trading本APIを利用することにより、取り扱っている銘柄一覧の取得、ローソク足データの取得、板の取得、歩値の取得、注文、残高照会といった操作を行う事ができます。 ## 留意事項 - ...
180,515169taskcmdSimple todo list manager for the command line
180,515169cliflowReserved package
180,515169fridaFrida Ruby bindings.
180,515169clwy-omniauth-qqOmniAuth strategies for TQQ and QQ Connect).
180,515169custom-adalWindows Azure Active Directory authentication client library