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134401-134420 of all 180,543 gems.
134,3783,919fx-sqlserver-adapterAdds sqlserver adapter to Fx gem to enable database migrations and schema to work w...
134,3783,919kvpairRails easy Key Value Pairs.
134,3783,919leeh-mini_exiftoolThis library is wrapper for the Exiftool command-line application (http://www.sno.phy.q...
134,3783,919foo-bar-newWrite a gem description
134,3783,919osmerGem for managing OpenStreetMap data in PostgreSQL database
134,3783,919reloadappStop reloading your browser when working on an app, automate it!
134,3783,919netstats24-clientRuby client for Netstat's API
134,3783,919ig_scrapeA gem to scrape instagram posts and comments.
134,3783,919aq1018-acts_as_multiple_state_machinessimilar to acts_as_state_machine, but provides multiple State Machines per ActiveRecord...
134,4103,918lightwave_rfControl LightwaveRF devices with the Wifi Link box
134,4103,918spree_html_invoiceHTML Invoice Template for spree
134,4103,918guysA bunch of little guys that do useful things.
134,4103,918just_normalize_cssnormalize.css for the rails asset pipeline
134,4103,918system_lockSystem Lock is a system-weide Ruby Critical Section that uses Memcached to lock
134,4103,918davisDavis is an opinionated Sinatra application generator.
134,4103,918namastheA simple Indian hello world gem
134,4103,918ameliaDescription of amelia.
134,4103,918minitest-coverageRuby's contemporary test coverage tools all lie, exaggerating coverage through false-po...
134,4103,918appiA minimal toolkit for building modern, stateless APIs, perfect for single page applicat...
134,4103,918jalmquist_palindromeLearn enough ruby palindrome detector