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Most downloads over all time
134441-134460 of all 180,507 gems.
134,4213,913bigfleet-builderBuilder provides a number of builder objects that make creating structured data simple ...
134,4213,913sswarsUsing the public Star Wars api ( return character and planet names.
134,4213,913shadowpassA tool for keeping a GnuPG password store.
134,4213,913chimpyChimpy syncs your users from your DB to your respective lists in MailChimp.
134,4213,913fluent-plugin-inline-classifierFluentd plugin to classify each message and inject the result into it
134,4213,913delugeRuby implementation of the Deluge RPC API
134,4473,912ysetsCreate contants for your Rails 3 app using yml files
134,4473,912portcheckerA simple little gem (and cli) to check if a given port if open or not..
134,4473,912extra_rubyRuby interface to Extra
134,4473, » Ruby » Kernel#commander method sugar for Open4::spawn
134,4473,912log_replayerReads access logs and replays them
134,4473,912hola_liamA simple hello world gem
134,4473,912digitalfilmtree-utilContains common utilities and vendored binaries used in libraries related to DigitalFil...
134,4473,912money-distributed-currencylayerCurrencylayer fetcher for money-distributed gem
134,4473,912test-redisredis-server runner for tests.
134,4473,912epiphyteImmutable configuration management for disposable infrastructures
134,4473,912docdowndocdown turns docs to runable code
134,4473,912highline_wizardInteractive array based wizzard bassed in highline