Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
138101-138120 of all 180,689 gems.
138,0993,736vagrant-pccClean puppet cert
138,0993,736claroA simple hello world gem
138,0993,736birthdaysShow the birthdays in a time period so you don't forget them!
138,0993,736activeloveA gem integrates apple, twitter, google, emoji one emoji.
138,0993,736yandex_translator_apiYandex Translator Api is the best
138,0993,736media_includeincludes images and videos to models alfa
138,0993,736rsrec == DESCRIPTION: Parser for the Motorola S-Record for...
138,0993,736colors-sassColor palette for the web for rails
138,0993,736seo4ajax_railsRails middleware to integrate SEO4Ajax in your web application
138,0993,736cosmosc2-tool-cmdsenderThis plugin adds the COSMOS Command Sender tool
138,0993,736CocoaKuchaA gem made for CocoaKucha events
138,0993,736emojaThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
138,0993,736summon-faraday_middlewareA Faraday Middleware for signing Summon API requests
138,0993,736fastlane-plugin-amazon_appstoreUpload apps to Amazon Appstore
138,0993,736vagrant-subdomains-updaterA Vagrant plugin that allows you to automatically configure subdomains with the ip of y...
138,0993,736ruby-debDeb package manipulation
138,0993,736mahabub_ruby_on_rails_devThis is a ongoing carreer path description for the Mahabub Islam
138,0993,736jsonfeed-schemaJSON Schema for JSON Feed