Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
138121-138140 of all 180,689 gems.
138,0993,736hanami-sequelIntegrates Sequel into Hanami by providing database commands and generating model files.
138,0993,736rails_disable_dependency_loadingAdds a rails initializer to make it easier to catch thread-safety issues in your code.
138,0993,736error_messages_containerSimple container for storage and grouping error messages
138,1243,735GetTaoBaoProductget taobao product info
138,1243,735play_dohpartial mocks on rr
138,1243,735noa-layoutLayout module for Noa
138,1243,735redis-scriptA library for loading and setting scripts into redis
138,1243,735yasdYet Another Salesforce Dataloader
138,1243,735webservicex_stock_quoteGet a free stock quote for a company symbol using
138,1243,735somogoPlaceholder Somogo gem.
138,1243,735lunar_cheeseA gem consisting of two parts: A Treetop-based grammar which allows to parse save games...
138,1243,735ritetag_analysisA gem for hashtag analysis for social media optimization
138,1243,735twitter-text-edittedA edited gem that provides text handling for Twitter that parse any hashtag (except bla...
138,1243,735wpImports Wikipedia dumps to a local database and lets you browse them from the commandli...
138,1243,735timesheet-readerA timesheet reader.
138,1243,735date_from_paramsGem for fetching date or datetime from rails view helpers
138,1243,735sliding_puzzleA Ruby gem for manipulating and solving sliding tile puzzles.
138,1243,735ip2whois_rubyA Ruby SDK enables user to easily implement the checking of WHOIS information for a par...
138,1243,735best_buy_rubyA wrapper for Best Buy APIs.
138,1243,735syncopeSyncope lets your apps knock out when you do