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139241-139260 of all 180,702 gems.
139,2333,687flockerFlocker uses a file lock to prevent a Ruby script from running if it's already running.
139,2333,687velocity_checkVelocity checking
139,2333,687ipamIP Address Management
139,2333,687impalerWrapper around Impala and Hive gems
139,2333,687my_string_extend_mhThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
139,2333,687spree_first_data_gge4Add Payment GayeWay GGE4
139,2333,687assets_asyncAsynchronous javascript, stylesheet for rails app
139,2333,687drawsvgA ruby layer built on top of the rasem gem to make drawing SVGs easier.
139,2333,687system_logsystem log show in view
139,2333,687parselogsSimple Log parser that handles compressed files
139,2333,687dropletsWrite a gem description
139,2533,686rubygems-localproxyKeep local cache of rubygems to speed up resolving dependencies
139,2533,686formikationFormikation is a simple jQuery plugin to beautify form inputs, select, radios and check...
139,2533,686rack-multitenantRack middleware for scoping requests and sharing accounts.
139,2533,686qiitansimple wrapper library for qiita api
139,2533,686shalmaneser-libCommon facilities for Shalmaneser and its modules.
139,2533,686text_razorTextRazor API gem
139,2533,686bitgram-rubyA simple ruby wrapper for the payment processing API
139,2533,686serializedserialized will add some description soon