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139321-139340 of all 180,554 gems.
139,3163,668smokescreenSmokescreen is a smoke test suite that tries to run the most critical and most likely e...
139,3163,668shipedgeShipedge gem
139,3163,668cts-mpx-acimpx account continuous integration driver.
139,3163,668lashd-product_apiMuch longer explanation of the example!
139,3163,668matilda-streamLazy stream implementation for Ruby
139,3163,668omniauth-unbounceUnbounce strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
139,3163,668cabal-utilUtility library for the Cabal suite
139,3163,668activejob-interactorRun your interactors as background jobs via active job
139,3163,668gd-raccRacc is a LALR(1) parser generator. It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby ...
139,3163,668instant_importsMakes importing enigmatic infomation instant!
139,3163,668validates_subdomainSubdomain validator
139,3163,668cavalle-rack-contribContributed Rack Middleware and Utilities
139,3353,667voteable-alphaThis gem helps you deal with polymorphic voting
139,3353,667object_expectCheck if an object is not null, and raise an exception if it is
139,3353,667harness-haproxyHarness gauge for HAProxy
139,3353,667nivo_sliderNivo slider gem user to create slider
139,3353,667forknerManages forking multiple processes and returns results to the parent process
139,3353,667tag_polarbearThis friendly polarbear gives you tags in your Rails app.