Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
139601-139620 of all 180,459 gems.
139,5873,645gfycatA Ruby interface to the Gfycat API.
139,5873,645blankImplementationblank implementation. Takes a parameter and checks whether it is blank or not
139,6033,644ultra_pendingThe ultimate in "pending" test technology
139,6033,644chime-atlasThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
139,6033,644clearance_omniauthOmniauth integration with Thoughtbot Clearance
139,6033,644ramseyA graph database built on git
139,6033,644hola_tyamadaA simple hello world gem
139,6033,644jekyll_all_collectionsProvides a collection of all collections in site.all_collections.
139,6033,644ruby-esvidiSingular Value Decomposition with no dependency on GSL or LAPACK
139,6033,644nivo-rails-amNivo slider with Ruby on Rails
139,6033,644json_truncateTruncate any JSON values to a certain length. Truncate to a maximum depth. Truncate to ...
139,6033,644domain_validator-jpdomain name validator includes JP domain
139,6153,643ruboty-redis-inforuboty plugin for show redis info.
139,6153,643my_string_extend_wollyThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
139,6153,643mephistophelesMephistopheles corrupts and manipulates your VM's
139,6153,643rack-conditional_response_headersRack middleware: Sets response headers based on matching URL conditions
139,6153,643harness-resqueLog resque metrics to Harness
139,6153,643synapsesMQ-based application communication and event processing